Ways To Carry Your Dog in The Car
There are as many ways to carry your pet in the car as their are pets and people. Heck, when I was a boy our dog would just ride between us on the backseat and pretty much eat whatever we were eating or didn't like along the way. But it's much safer if your pet has a place to call home on the road. What I like to use is a dog crate. Get one that's big enough for your dog to stretch out but not too big for the car. Also what I like to do if it's in a seating area is put the crate in and then put the shoulder belt around the crate from the seatbelt. This way if you are in a crash your dog doesn't suddenly join you in the front seat.
One of the worst ways you can carry your dog is in the back of a pickup. I used to do it as a child as well but now I know better and the laws have changed. So for your dogs safety please put him or her inside with you in a crate.